These ominous words came from a Militarized Gang with a battering ram who forcibly kidnapped four children from their loving and horrified parents.

It was the Police,  of course,  acting this time on behalf of the State School System.

You see,  if their intent was NOT the Control and Indoctrination of our Children,  they would of course not act like this.  Their aggressive,  completely out-of-bounds reaction tells us all.

World Wide Oppression of the Human Spirit marches on,  aided overtly by self-titled Democratic Countries and covertly by all Peoples, whose silence and acquiescence condones and permits this Spiritual Genocide.

This happened in Germany,  but here in America we also have been trained to perceive the Educational System  ( pause for sardonic laughter )  as one of the many great advantages to living in such a great,  free Country  ( pause for additional sardonic laughter )…..where every child regardless of race or background will be educated for free…..isn’t that considerate of an otherwise ruthless Government?  But that is just how the idea is sold to us.   Because in reality we really should be thinking,  “Holy Shite,  the State, which has proven time and again their incompetence and penchant for control and destruction of any and all Spirituality,  has my Child all day long from Kindergarten unti the age of 16…..”

Let us reflect upon that for a moment.   While true that it isn’t ALL day,  just most of it,  and while they do have the summer off,  this is an inordinate amount of consistent time over the entire young life of a growing person…….do you think there is enough time for some Behavioral Modification to be accomplished here?  i think there is more than enough time.

i wish i could figure out the numbers,  but certainly a child grows up under the influence of the School System far, far more than their parents,  both time-wise and idea-wise.   And the more i consider this,  the more i realize just how much time AND control they have with our Children.

And the rest of the day the Television has them…..

i never really saw the logic to the argument of removing prayer from school…….what group could possibly have had a problem with this? Who was the complainant in this matter?   Prayer has a zero potential of hurting anyone.  So when i see someone insistent on banning something like prayer that only benefits and will never hurt,  i know exactly what they are up to…..it is not about protecting other kids feelings or religious sensitivity…..it is obviously about control and indoctrination.   Because really,  what is going to happen when they grow up and see a Temple or a Mosque?  The idea that praying could possibly hurt anyone else is ludicrous both in its conception AND its acceptance.   After all,  every child can pray…..the Christian kids,  the Jewish kids and the Muslim kids.  What’s wrong with that?  The Atheist kids can pick their nose or play games on their hand-held whatever kids are hand holding these days…..but OK,  maybe some religions or families need certain accoutrements and surroundings,  so i’ll let that slide for now….

But isn’t it curious that they are so insistent on no prayer,  and yet at the same time very insistent on implanting the idea in children that we come from monkeys?  They worked so hard to get prayer out,  and so hard to get monkeys in…..

Why is it,  do you think,  that Darwin’s Theory IS being taught?  This Theory is unproven,  being a Theory,  now why would they teach something to children in school that is not even proven?  Why would they fight so hard in court to get the right to teach something to Children that has not even been prove?   Because if you want to kill a Child’s Spirit and make them feel worthless,  especially at such a young age when they are easily indoctrinated,  and teachers and school unfortunatey mean the world to them,  very simply take away the idea that they were created by a God and have a Soul.   Tell them they came from monkeys!  That should dull the light of their Spirit,  especially when combined with added Flouride and some Pharmacological drugs…..and as an added bonus,  when you subtract God from the equation then the State becomes the next most powerful force in people’s lives.

And nothing goes better with a loss of God and Soul than a deeply implanted fear……a great example of the School System destroying a Child early is by instituting a lifetime of hidden fear with repetitive Mind-Control in cartoon form:

Even though this is old we can still learn how they operate…..this was clearly not done to instruct the children,  because as anyone will tell you HIDING UNDER A DESK OR PUTTING A COAT OVER YOUR HEAD WILL NOT PROTECT YOU FROM AN ATOMIC BOMB……  Why the hell else traumatize young impressionable Children with vivid descriptions and film of horrible bomb blasts?  Thus it was done for one reason –  to instill FEAR……Fear takes the body’s attention away from Spirituality,  and gives the Evil Entities what is essentially their food and drugs.  It also puts the traumatized child in obeisance to the authority they believe will protect them.   Pay very close attention to the narrator and how absolutely SICK this is…….the current fears they are instilling are of course about terrorism, and saving the Earth,  which every Child can identify with,  and this will be used later in their lives to justify taking from them or controlling resources  such as water, food and energy.

Time and time again study after study has shown that Children who study and play Music immensely improves both their Math and English skills,  as well as much else in the Body and Mind.   Not surprisingly,  Music being Spiritual it will certainly uplift the Human…..so what are they consistently removing from the schools?  Music, of course.   And yet what do they keep and promote?  Football,  the violent,  competitive,  war scenario game of the alpha male psychopaths…..

We have gotten so used to being told what to do it is sickening…..we can’t even walk across the damn street without the permission of flashing lights and signs telling us how to do it,  they train us at the airports to submit to fear and insane, unnaceptable man handling,  cops shut down little girl lemonade stands and militaristically raid a raw milk farm,  driving over the speed limit or not putting on the blinker is not a reason to be pulled over and harrassed,  WE ARE BIG BOYS AND GIRLS WE CAN TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES……and THERE IS NO MAN-MADE LAW NOR ORGANIZATION WHO HAS ANY HIGHER AUTHORITY OVER A CHILD OTHER THAN THE PARENTS END OF STORY

Most parents or single parents unfortunately depend on the school as a form of daycare,  as the economy and split families cause the need for work…..but if a parent wants to home-school i not only support it,  i highly recommend it.  When they are not brain washing they are not even teaching proper lessons anyway.

An attack on individuality,  spirituality,  and a lifelong indoctrination of the state’s ideas for future well trained humans…..( just pause )


And since this occurred in Germany,  i thought it interesting to mention this other article……so good job and congratulations to Germany,  for Nazi-like behavior in taking children from their homes,  but yet are so considerate and thoughtful in making sure that a  “third gender”  gets recognized……YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR ACTIONS:


And an excellent article by Andrew Gavin Marshall of The People’s Voice . Org that i came across post-this writing that is a superb break-down of Education’s history and purpose:


OPERATION KILL BAMBI ( and humanity along with her)

There are certain momentous occasions in history when mankind outdoes himself,  when he surpasses a certain moral milestone that speaks quite clearly and plainly to the world,  “This is how things are to be done from this point forward.  This has now become part of your reality.”  The bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were examples of this.   As was 911.

And now mankind has dared to venture even further into the darker realms of inhumanity.

We are now a Civilization that will Militarily attack a baby deer.

When the Wisconsin authorities received an anonymous tip about a baby deer being housed without a permit,  they understandably became very concerned and predictably very frightened……not wanting or even able to think for themselves they immediately enacted the first procedure of any operation,  and that is to overreact violently.     And that seemed quite providential as somehow it seemed that if the first protocol had been any different it would have just been ignored in favor of violence anyway.  God-damn baby deer.  They think they own this city.  And since everything went “green”  they just walk around like God’s gift to Nature……but there are laws,  god damn it…..contrived and absurd,  but laws all the same,  but do they appreciate it?   Just because a baby deer poses no threat at all even to a baby human,  the Military is a creature all its own with the Fears and Hatreds of a psychopathic nightmare,  as well as the difficult job of protecting the people by controlling them, beating them and throwing them in jail…..and do the people appreciate this?  Not a bit!  In fact, they protest even more!    it seems the more laws you give these people for their own safety,  the more they complain.   ..

i am not sure if they managed to get deep undercover,  but they did get aerial photos and a layout of the place,  as well as thirteen well- armed men.  Quite a party for just one baby deer…..i don’t think JFK was given this much attention.  Perhaps this fawn was no Bambi…… Was this baby deer a secret agent brought in by CIA or Mossad?  The permit could very easily be a cover story…..this was a take down. Psychopathic Alpha Males versus Bambi…..is that a fair fight?  It actually seems very abusive and gratuitously violent.

The Truth is quite often sicker than Fiction……the plan was to capture the animal, euthanize it and then kill it…..and just to add to the ferocious image it never had,  the deer’s name was Giggles.  Yes,  Giggles.  Now if all this seems to have been a needlessly brutal act,  i assure you it was.

The War Room before the Operation:  

“Gentleman,  i have gathered you all together because you are the elite of the elite.  You represent the most brutal, vicious, and sick bastards i know…..and that’s including my ex-wife.   And you will need all of your skills,  gentlemen,  this is no picnic i can assure you.  Our target?”

Flashes a picture of Bambi on the screen…..

“Is there something funny,  Kowalski?”

“No, Sir!”

“Does this picture of a baby fawn amuse you in some way?”

“No, Sir!”

“Are you aware of how many good men that baby deer has taken out?   That fawn is a weapon’s expert,  that fawn would not hesitate to kill your mother,  do you understand me soldier?”

“Sir!  Yes, Sir!”

“I pray that you do, son.  I’ve seen video of that baby deer ripping the throat out of a top assassin,  and that fawn enjoyed it.  He looked adorable as heck,  but he enjoyed it.  That fawn is a risk to our nation…….he must be disposed.  We,  gentlemen,  will be doing the disposing. Now, the name of our target is Giggles…..”

“Am i going to have to replace you,  Kowalski?”

“Sir,  no sir!”

“Are we all clear on our mission?  We enter, we grab the deer,  bag it,  drug it and kill it,  and we’re done.”

“But why bother to euthanize it before we kill it, sir?”

“Because, Kowalski, we are not savages,”


The predator here is Man,  with alpha male imprinted on their foreheads,  and his Ego and Fear will not allow for the existence of his predator……Man is the Fawn to some Predator,  this is as sure as any Cosmic Law, be they physical or thought forms or as yet unknown.    http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=44594             

So without skipping a beat on the gratuitous killing of beautiful animals i shall now seamlessly segue into the destruction of horses…..   welcome to Alice in Wonderland,  beginning with the Law allowing for the slaughtering of horses…..http://americanlivewire.com/courts-approved-horse-slaughterhouses-despite-protests/           The “Law” is a continuously growing list of what humans can and cannot do – finding myself as a free consciousness coming into awareness being told what i can and cannot do tells me that i am obviously a slave…..the Law itself is a form of crime – if i break the Law then armed men will lock me in a cage,  but we have all accepted this system,  this gestalt that is their playground,  their rules.  We have passively yet willingly engaged in and participated in the crime that is the Law imposed upon man,  

And along with Horses and Fawns let us not forget the most precious of living creatures,  Children.  This most disgusting inhumanity can be observed quite clearly in the foster care system just about anytime…..



The implanted mantra that somehow is continually transmitted into the brains of all Well-Trained-Humans from a range of sources is that America is and always will be Free…..and while it is formed on checks and balances there is no guarantee for any definitive belief such as that.  The other dangerous Thought Form being injected into all without so much as the feel of a pin prick is that this ephemeral freedom can only be obtained by the removal of all other freedoms.  Ego and Fear once again are the human frailties by which these are applied,  like a topical analgesic with the opium like power to numb,  dull and otherwise shut off all rebellious thoughts,  the inability to shake off the persistent whispering of hypnotic suggestions.  The Police have morphed into a Militaristic Task Force with a combined resume that includes the shutting down of little girl’s lemonade stands to beating a man into the realms of Death,  this latter as a team sport ten at a time,  as it natural for them to act like pack animals in the alpha-male patriarchal form…..

Yet both Police and Public are for the most part comprised of Human Beings,  i say that because doubt can be very easily achieved with the consideration of how far and serious the Science of Cloning and Arteficial Intelligence have developed,  and walking and talking among us are many different life-forms,  with Ego and Fear again playing a major part in our disacknowledgement of at least the consideration of this.  But both Public and Police are for the purposes of this writing Human,  and both believe in the American Ideal of Freedom…..it is a testimony to the creativity of said Humans that such a diverse view can be held on the same belief,  but the clever psychological manipulation of the Controllers who understand the psychology of the Human Mind and Emotions far better than we ourselves do is also at play here.  It is a Spiritual War and as such a battle for the Soul,  and it is played out best metaphorically described in Chess.  The Public Pawns on one side and the Police Pawns on the other……and the Kings and Queens,  next to the Bishops as always,  are on the board.  It is not them we should be concerning ourselves with so much as the hidden hand that is moving all of these pieces.



It is referred to as  “unwanted sexual contact”,  a phrase i have heard countless times before from numerous women…..and where i usually respect the request or just break down and cry,  many members of our Military do not –  and so this abuse has been steadily increasing,  to the point where i wonder if sexually assaulting the enemy might bring a quicker and quieter solution to the many wars around the world.  True,  many of our enemies may enjoy being gang raped by the Marines,  but this could lead to  “intentional”  trouble being caused with the hope that they may be  “punished”.    

A Quick Overview:

1.  Women should be allowed to join the Military.  Why they would want to do so i have no idea,  but they of course have that right.

2.  War is a vicious, violent,  inhumane and sick activity,  and most of those who desire to join are half-way up that tree already.   And with  “training”  they are further brainwashed into sadistic,  robotic killing machines.

3.  So now we have Women as a minority surrounded by amped-up,  violent alpha males…..with sex and violence being psychological compliments and instigators of each other.

4.  This leads to the Alpha-Male Patriarchal Power Game,  even if done homosexually.

So should this be acceptable or rationalized?  Of course not.

Should women take this,  or not report it as they have been doing?  Of course not.

What we have here is a typical Societal Madness which creates such a Chaotic Cloud of Truths and Deceptions that the answer is neither  black  nor white.   And Laws cannot be used to patch up or correct beliefs and hatreds…..

The reason why i do not rape women as i walk along the street is NOT because it is against the Law…..the Law deters me not.  Rather it is my Morality,  my Spirituality,  and my Belief in not hurting other Human Beings.

We can only begin to correct these issues when our Spirituality and Consciousness are in the correct and proper place –  Laws punish,  they do not help the Victim or the Perpetrator,  they do not forever correct the situation,  nor do they change the attitudes of anyone.



Both Science and the Military believe in all types of Psychic ability….but they would rather you didn’t, because it could lead to your learning about your Natural Power as a Human Being, and because one of the major precepts of Magick is that  “Power shared is power lost”…. now that is Ego and Service To Self as well.  There are many bad psychics like this one and they are responsible for two types of damage.  The first is the direct pain done to the immediate victim, the person who went to them for help.  This Medium will set the industry back years…..but judging by the movie and television shows around, there is a lot of interest in the occult.   The second is the image it puts out about Psychics which is that they are all shams, which they are not.  Just the ones on television and in magazines  (ha ha)….
